Michelsky Dvur Restaurant with Indoor Playground, Prague 4
I woke up one day and thought that we have not covered any restaurants in Prague 4 for our readers yet. So, after searching through some very well hidden Czech links on the internet, I dug this one up. Michelsky Dvur Restaurant is part of the Sue Ryder Home and has a very nice and spacious Indoor Play area plus a slide outside in the garden. Having no clue about what Sue Ryder meant and with no time to find out the details, I just hit the road with the boys to find out what it was all about.
Once we got there, I just stood for a minute in front of the whole complex wondering if this was actually the right place. It looked like some kind of a high-standard residence for seniors but the address was correct, so we went inside.
It turns out that the restaurant is run by the Sue Ryder Senior House. It makes a bit of money by providing relatively cheap meals for seniors and (what I love about it the most) it brings a little light into the older peoples lives by having young children playing close-by in the same environment. What an awesome idea!!!!! Imagine you get old, your kids and grandchildren are God knows where and here you can go to a restaurant designed for Seniors where you can also watch young children at play. That would bring some spark to your life, don’t you think?
The meal was good, the boys were happy and really loved the play area. Marcus even interacted with one elderly man calling him Grandpaand handed him his ball. I could see that the man was happy to make even this small connection with him and it made me proud to be able to participate in this. The prices of each meal were around 70 CZK, and the staff were very friendly. I felt like I was doing a good deed in supporting this cause. It is worth it to make the trip here – if just for the good feeling that it gives you.
The whole experience made me want to find out more about what the Sue Ryder Complex is all about. Everywhere you could see jolly Seniors chatting away with young people (probably students and volunteers). There was a pin-up board with up-coming events and a news section advertising regular cultural and educational events which take place within the Domov for both for clients as well as visitors. These additional activities together with the Michelský Dvůr Restaurant and charity shops allow the Domov to open itself up to the public and become a meeting place for all generations. These extra activities also raise revenue, which help to fund the Domov’s main activity – providing care to seniors.
They do so many things.
Domov Sue Ryder is a public benefit organization and has been active in the Czech Republic since 1994. It offers its clients a loving and peaceful environment with complete nursing and social care. This care seeks to respect the uniqueness of every client while facilitating a high quality of life.
Domov Sue Ryder offers a residence for seniors in the setting of a social welfare institution, personal assistance in the client’s residence and also social and legal consultancy for both seniors and the general public. The clients of the nursing department (with 56 places) are primarily seniors who because of chronic illness or handicap need nursing care. Domov Sue Ryder in Prague is a member of the international family of Sue Ryder Care whose central office is in London.
Sue Ryder International is a community of organisations delivering specialised health and social care for those in greatest need across 13 countries in Europe and Africa. Inspired by a common founder, Baroness Ryder of Warsaw, there are now over 38 organisations associated with Sue Ryder’s name, each operating as independent and legally autonomous organisations. Today, over 30,000 people benefit directly from the care provided by the paid staff and many thousands of volunteers associated with Sue Ryder’s name. Their vision is care that liberates lives.
ADDRESS: Michelská 1/7, Prague 4 – Michle
OPEN: Restaurant: Mo - Sun: 11:15 – 21:00, Sue Ryder House: open 24 hours
DIRECTIONS: By Tram take number 11 or Bus numbers 106, 124, 139, 182, 188 to Michelska tram and bus stops. By Car get ready to struggle for parking space, eventually you will find one.
CONTACT: For catering or to organise a function contact: Velena Obstova on 244 029 155, For fundraising contact: Jana Havlenova, To volunteer contact: Renata Pelouskova, or contact their Public Relations person: Pavla Bayerova on 244 029 146 who speaks English. You can also email the organisation at: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
FURTHER INFORMATION: http://www.sue-ryder.cz (in Czech only) , Sue Ryder International: http://www.sueryderinternational.eu (in English)